Module 6 – LGBTQI+ 101: Mental health risk and minority stress


This module talks about minority stress, internalised homo/bi/transphobia, as well as the most basic mental health considerations and mental health risks of LGBTQI+ people. The concept of minority stress is defined and the Meyers model of minority stress is presented. Internalised homophobia, biphobia and transphobia are explained, as well as their manifestations and relation to negative health outcomes. The module also provides tips on how one can overcome internalised homo/bi/transphobia. At the end of the module, some mental health risks that LGBTQI+ persons often face are presented.

After this module, the participants will be able to:

  • understand the concept of minority stress and its negative effects on health outcomes
  • describe internalised homo/bi/transphobia and its effect on health outcomes
  • list the most common mental health risks of LGBTQI+ persons