Learn about supporting
LGBTQI+ people
Innovative approaches to training mental health service providers for the quality support of LGBTQI+ people

Module 2: LGBTQI+ 101: Terminology
Explains the importance of unboxing and non-binary thinking.

Module 3 – LGBTQI+ 101: Transgender, gender-diverse and sex-diverse persons
Gives insights on how to talk to trans people without being embarrassing or impolite.

Module 4 – LGBTQI+ 101: Coming out
What to do and what to avoid while providing psychosocial support to LGBTQI+ persons in the matter of coming out.

Module 5 – LGBTQI+ 101: Human rights and the systems of oppression
Fundamental questions on how society treats their LGBTI+ members and what are the professionals’ competence in the subject.

Module 6 – LGBTQI+ 101: Mental health risk and minority stress
Provides tips on how one can overcome internalised homo/bi/transphobia.

Module 7 – Personal and professional prejudices
This module serves to broaden participants' understanding of their own functioning and their (unconscious) prejudices and biases.

Module A – Hotline/Chat Operators
This module aims to give examples of possible situations for a hotline/chat operator and gives a general view of what it means to be a hotline/chat operator for LGBTQI+ clients

Module B – School Counsellors
This module provides general information on the role of a school counsellors with regard to LGBTQI+ students.

Module C – Clinical psychologists
This module provides a framework and point of reflection for clinicians that can complement their already existing diagnostic knowledge and tools.
It is important for professionals to be familiar with LGBTQI+ concepts and terminology and to be aware of the specific psychological challenges LGBTQI+ persons face.
Improve your skills to examine the social circumstances and networks of their clients, and the way societal norms and practices affect those clients.
Explore your own beliefs and attitudes to acquire an open-minded approach to treat social diversity or being “different” as something valuable.
Handbook for trainers
The Common Point Handbook for Trainers provides guidance for trainers who would like to implement training for a variety of professionals working in a supporting role (crisis hotline operators, school counsellors, clinical psychologists and social workers) with the goal of improving the professionals’ attitudes, knowledge and skills related to LGBTQI+ persons.
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